

I have no articles published as of yet, however, during my time as an intern at DIAS, I helped develop data visualisation routines for a statistical study of machine learning detections in radio spectrogreams from Cassini (previously in orbit around Saturn). I developed Python routines to make clear and concise plots of these detections and their locations and distributions relative to Saturn and its magnetosphere. These plots and derived results will feature in a paper led by C.M. Jackman. I will be a co-author on this paper and it is estimated this will be submitted later this year.


  • Hollman, D. M., Jackman, C. M., Louis, C. K., Rutala, M. J., Huybrighs, H. L. F., & McEntee, S. C. (2024). Juno Universal Plotting Tool v1.1.2. Zenodo.