Juno Universal Plotting Tool (JUPT)

In the summer of 2023, together with the DIAS Planetary Magnetospheres group, I led the development and release of a new plotting tool for data from the Juno spacecraft (currently in orbit around Jupiter).

This Juno data plotting tool (named JUPT - Juno Universal Plotting Tool) is the first public open access tool to make the comparison between data from different instruments - including a magnetometer (MAG), plasma (JADE), energetic particles (JEDI), and radio wave (WAVES) instruments. This flexible tool we developed allows for the creation of publication-ready multi-panel plots through the automatic source of data and acompanying spacecraft ephemeris information.

JUPT is incredibly useful for those studying Jupiter’s space environment as it makes data visualisation quick and easy, so that researchers can spend less time on coding and plotting, and more time on science.

JUPT is published on Github and Zenodo, with documentation published with ReadTheDocs.